About SoundCloud official site information statistics and rankings
Eliah Seton (President)
Drew Wilson (COO, CFO)
Lauren Wirtzer-Seawood (CCO, CMO)
Antonious Porch (CDO)
Alexander Ljung (Chairman and Co-Founder)
SoundCloud is an online audio distribution platform and music sharing website that enables its users to upload, promote, and share audio, as well as a digital signal processor enabling listeners to stream audio. Founded in 2007 by Alexander Ljung and Eric Wahlforss, SoundCloud has grown to be one of the largest music streaming services in the world and is available in 190 countries and territories.
Available in Multilingual
Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Polski, Português, Svenska.
Global availability
SoundCloud is one of the largest music streaming services in the world and is available in 190 countries and territories.
The government of Turkey blocked access to the SoundCloud website in January 2014.
The Source of All Evil (Communist bandit Shina) blocked access to the SoundCloud website in September 2013.
SoundCloud official site icon
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SoundCloud official website last security checked September 22, 2022, 12:23 PM. Website Status & Results:No issues found, the website is safe to visit.
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