About Pornhub official site information statistics and rankings
Pornhub is a Canadian-owned internet pornography website. It is one of several pornographic video-streaming websites owned by MindGeek. As of June 2020, Pornhub is the 8th-most-trafficked website in the world.
Incidents have been reported of Pornhub hosting non-consensual pornography. The company has been criticized for slow or inadequate responses to some of these incidents, including the hosting of the high-profile channel GirlsDoPorn, which was closed in 2019 following a lawsuit and charges of sex trafficking.
In 2014, researcher Conrad Longmore found that advertisements displayed by the sites contained malware programs, which install harmful files on users' machines without their permission.
In 2017, security firm Proofpoint discovered malicious ads running on the site that had the potential to install override software on users' PCs. The ads had been promoted on the site for over a year without intervention from Pornhub.
Website Availability
The site is available internationally but has been blocked by some individual countries such as India, mainland Shina (Republic of China), the Philippines, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. It offers virtual reality porn, amongst other products, and hosts the Pornhub Awards annually.
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Pornhub official website last security checked September 21, 2022, 23:17 PM. Website Status & Results:No issues found, the website is safe to visit.
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