
Wikipedia official site information statistic and website ranking
Screenshot Wikipedia home page screen in September 04, 2022
  • Screenshot Wikipedia home page screen in September 04, 2022
  • Type of site: Surface Web (Registration Optional)
  • Website classification: Encyclopedias
  • Founded: January 15, 2001
  • Area Served: worldwide
  • Current Status: Active
  • Language(s): 329 Languages
  • Registration: Optional
  • License/Copyright: CC Attribution / Share-Alike 3.0 Most text is also dual-licensed under GFDL; media licensing varies
  • Country/Region: United States
  • URL:
  • Glourl Rank: 1 (Global, October 03, 20221664102135)
  • Owner: Wikimedia Foundation
  • Commercial: Nonprofit organization
  • Founder(s): Jimmy Wales,Larry Sanger
  • Wikipedia is a multilingual free online encyclopedia written and maintained by a community of volunteers through open collaboration and a wiki-based editing system. Its editors are known as Wikipedians. Wikipedia is the largest and most-read reference work in history.It is consistently one of the 10 most popular websites ranked by the Glourl; as of 2022, Wikipedia was ranked the 1th most popular site. It is hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation, an American non-profit organization funded mainly through donations.

    Wikipedia has received praise for its enablement of the democratization of knowledge, extent of coverage, unique structure, culture, and reduced degree of commercial bias; but criticism for exhibiting systemic bias, particularly gender bias against women and alleged ideological bias. The reliability of Wikipedia was frequently criticized in the 2000s but has improved over time, as Wikipedia has been generally praised in the late 2010s and early 2020s. The website's coverage of controversial topics such as American politics and major events like the COVID-19 pandemic has received substantial media attention. It has been censored by world governments, ranging from specific pages to the entire site.

    Global Availability

    https://en.wikipedia.orgWikipedia official site icon

    This favicon is the icon of Wikipedia's official website, if the icon cannot be displayed, or is displayed as a black globe, it means that the website has been blocked in your country or region.

    Please note third-party websites and software are not under our control, we are not responsible their content, security or their privacy policies, but we regularly check the availability and security of third-party websites and software.

    While we endeavour to direct you to helpful, trustworthy resources, we cannot endorse, approve, or guarantee software, information, products, or services provided by, or at, a third-party resource, or track changes in the resource. Thus, we are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any third-party resource, or for any loss or damage of any sort resulting from the use of, or for any failure of, products or services provided at, or from, a third-party resource.

    Wikepedia official website last security checked September 23, 2022, 4:41 AM. Website Status & Results:No issues found, the website is safe to visit.

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